Tuesday, August 11, 2015

10 Signs You’re Dating A Woman, Not A Girl

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I have the unfortunate luck of finding too many girls in my life and not enough women. It’s not an age thing – some women are younger than girls. The difference is in the way the two types act, think and live their lives.
Women and girls see the world differently. They understand the world differently. And they interact with it differently. Girls are a dime a dozen, but women… women are a scarcity.
This isn’t to say they are non-existent; they’re just difficult to come by. To be fair, they aren’t completely to blame — women and girls have to deal with the same dynamic with men and boys.
As men (not boys), we have to make sure we don’t get stuck dating a girl, it’ll probably be the worst decision of our lives. While it can be difficult to tell the two apart, there are 10 obvious giveaways:
1. Girls like to dress in revealing clothes because they think they look sexy – women know they look sexy no matter what they wear.
Women understand that being provocative isn’t the only way to be sexy. A woman doesn’t have to have her everything hanging out in order to feel sexually appealing. Women are so confident in their own skin that they do not care what they are wearing – they know that they are sexy because they are sexy.

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