Monday, August 24, 2015

RCCG Replies Femi Aribisala's Article On Pastor Adeboye

The Redeemed Christain Church of God on Sunday replied popular columnist Femi Aribisala's article “Adeboye the richest man in the world”.

In the controversial article, written by Aribisala, he condemned the ostentatious show of wealth by the ministry of Paster E.A Adeboye, the revered General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Read the response below:

“Blessed is the man who has delight in obeying God completely, whatsoever he does shall prosper.”

A CHAMPION in a lime and spoon 100 meters race, after winning a trophy, was asked by journalists which of the crowd reaction helped him to win. The crowd that cheered and praised him or the crowd that mocked and jeered at him. His response taught us a lesson: Ignoring the two crowd reactions was the secret of his success.

Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is a focused Christian and a man of God. He has no time, neither for those who praise him nor for those that mock him and call him names. Adeboye is passionate about salvation, about evangelism, about character, integrity and holiness. He is an incurable soul winner. As a young worker and new convert, he formed a club: “The fishers of men”. They would not go to bed any day without winning some souls.

Over the years, God has used him to bring joy to many homes enveloped in sorrow caused by barrenness, terminal ailment or children of wealthy parents that were hooked on drugs. At the last RCCG Convention, which was the platform for Femi Aribisala’s view, many women that were called barren that Adeboye prayed for in previous conventions brought their children in their hundreds of thousands to give thanks to God and to testify.

People brought on wheel chairs got up and began to walk. People with terminal ailments came out for prayer and they were asked to see their doctors and confirm the healing that took place. Adeboye did not want to share in God’s glory; so he asked his pastors to lay hands on these people. Under Adeboye’s leadership, The Redeemed Christian Church of God established departments that care for the afflicted and the needy.

At Christ Against Drug Abuse Ministry, CADAM, we gather drug addicts, heal them and give them education or technical training depending on individual’s ability and interest.

Habitation of Hope is a home that gathers the homeless and the destitutes and give them hope, education and a future. Many of these are now citizens doing well for themselves.

RAPAC is a department that counsels, prays and treats in confidence, people who are HIV positive.

Holistic Ministry ministers to prostitutes, rehabilitates them, educates and trains them. ‘A CAN can make a difference’ provides food for people in the streets and under the bridges. RCCG is preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in Nigeria and in 187 other nations.

The General Overseer of a Pentecostal church based in Victoria Island, Pastor Femi Aribisala, wearing a mask of social critic and columnist wrote an article: “Adeboye the richest man in the world”.

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